Dark matter .... or God?
A previous blog discussed the current theory about how our universe was formed (“Big Bang Theory”) and the questions around how this could have occurred.
In relation to our universe as it exists now, there is an outstanding question around how all of the planets, solar systems and galaxies maintain their respective positions in space. Scientists have calculated that all of the heavenly bodies as we know them only constitute around 5% of the total matter in the universe.
A fascinating interview with a cosmologist that I heard recently provided a theoretical answer to this question. Dark Matter. What a fantastic name. The cosmologist said that we are able to see through the motion of galaxies and stars that there is a huge amount of gravity in the universe that we can’t account for.
Time to brush up on our science. Matter is any physical substance that takes up space and has mass. In laymen’s terms, an object’s mass is how much “stuff” is in it. You and me, your computer, your coffee cup and the chair you are sitting on are all matter and we all have different masses. Everything that has mass also has gravity and the more mass the more gravity. For example the moon orbits the earth because the mass of the earth creates enough gravity to hold it there.
Out in the universe everything is in motion and things that are spinning around other things are held together by gravity. The problem though, is that we can now see that unfathomable numbers of stars and galaxies ridiculously far out in space are spinning around each other, but there just isn’t enough mass and gravity for these things to be held together. And when I say there isn’t enough, I mean there isn’t even CLOSE to being enough. It just shouldn’t work. The universe shouldn’t be held together. Yet it is held together. Something is holding it all in place.
The theory the cosmologist advanced is that there must be an invisible particle called Dark Matter that is everywhere in the universe but can’t be seen or felt and that adds enough mass and gravity to the galaxy that everything works correctly. But it’s just a theory. We just don’t know. Now I don’t for a minute think that we will never discover a particle or force or something that does make the universe all work because I believe God created the universe based on laws and rules. But when I think about the fact that something is holding the universe together, I instantly think of some great verses from the Bible.
“For, ever since the world was created, people have seen the earth and sky. Through everything God made, they can clearly see his invisible qualities — his eternal power and divine nature. So they have no excuse for not knowing God.” (Romans 1:23, NLT)
“When I consider your heavens, the work of your fingers, the moon and stars, which you have set in place, what is mankind that you are mindful of them, human beings that you care for them? You have made them a little lower than the angels and crowned them with glory and honour.” (Psalm 8:3-5, NIV)
While we need faith to believe in both theories and God, only God gives us an awesome hope for the future. The theories offer nothing beyond a possible explanation. And in this uncomfortable new world we have all found ourselves in, I for one am cherishing my faith in God more than ever.
Want to find out more about God? The Bible is His book.