For those who live in countries that celebrate Christmas, it is traditionally a time for giving. A time to recognise that there are many people less fortunate than ourselves, and so perhaps donate to a charity or help out in another way.
Even so, we are bombarded with advertising at that time of year about getting things. I received an email in the lead up to Christmas asking, “What do you want for Christmas?” And if you think about it, we humans are much more focused on getting than giving.
Let me give you a quick snapshot of a human life. A young child wants to get attention, they want to get toys and presents. As they grow older, they want to have friends, they want acceptance within their peer group.
Later on, they want to get an education or a qualification so they can get a job, so they can earn money, so they can buy things. Around this time too, they are probably hoping to get a partner, perhaps save up to get a house and then think about having a family. Of course, on top of this, if we live in a relatively affluent society, we can plan holidays. We can get equipment to participate in hobbies. We can even focus on getting more wealth.
I’m not saying there’s anything wrong with these things, we do need to have a life! But it does demonstrate our tendency to get – and unfortunately this can often become selfish to the detriment of others. Many of the problems in our world today like poverty, homelessness, war, pollution and climate change etc. are due to people wanting more money, people wanting things their way or just simply people turning a blind eye.
The Bible tells us that the Lord Jesus said, “It is more blessed to give than to receive.” (Acts 20:35, NLT)
This wasn’t just talk from Jesus, He practiced what He preached by giving His life in a most horrible way. He did this in love for us and to obey His Father. “For God so loved the world that he gave his one and only Son, that whoever believes in him shall not perish but have eternal life.” (John 3:16, NIV)
I think we can all agree this world would be a better place if there were a greater focus on giving; and maybe if we give some of our time to God, we can ultimately enjoy what He has in store for us.