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If not me, who? If not now, when?

Do you ever put things off? Do a bit of procrastinating? Maybe even make excuses as to why you’re unable to take on a particular task or tasks?

There are always reasons – things like, too much on, far too busy, too difficult, way too stressful, out of our comfort zone, not convenient, someone else will do it – and many, many more!

We all do this to a degree, some more so than others, but none of us could honestly say we have never chosen the easy way out of something that we could have put our hand up for.

The saying that this blog is based on confronts this head on – ‘if not me, who? If not now, when?’

If you have ever been part of a team environment, whether in a sporting team, business, volunteer, or any other type of team, you would most likely relate to this concept. Any team will only be successful when all its members are ‘all in’ i.e., fully invested and ready and willing to do their part as required.

Another way to describe this is ‘team cohesiveness’ – usually meaning that all team members are on the same page, working together towards the common goal, whatever that may be.

Unfortunately, this type of environment is difficult to cultivate and rare. It can be easy to feel disillusioned and be really discouraged if you’re part of a team that feels like it has lost its way.

It’s easy to feel sorry for ourselves in this type of situation. It’s also easy for the above mentioned ‘reasons why we ‘can’t’ to feel fully justified. But nothing worthwhile comes without effort. If we find our team and ourselves struggling to find the way forward, there are only two questions that we need to ask ourselves: If not me who? If not now when?

Put up our hand, roll up our sleeves and become part of a solution. This isn’t easy and sometimes we feel like we don’t have the strength.

The Bible in Hebrews tells us “So take a new grip with your tired hands and strengthen your weak knees. Mark out a straight path for your feet so that those who are weak and lame will not fall but become strong.” (Hebrews 12:12&13, NLT)

Very good advice!

In fact the Bible has a stack of excellent, practical suggestions for life – check it out for yourself!