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Life changing

How many of us could say that we’ve had what we might call a ‘life changing’ experience? We all know the sorts of things I’m talking about – it’s some sort of important event or decision that results in changes to the course of our life from that day forward.

These experiences can come in many ways and can be both good and bad: unfortunately, these things are often not only life changing, they often hit so fast and hard, that they’re also ‘earth shattering’.

Sudden and without warning might be that dreaded phone call in the middle of the night – the one to tell us that someone close to us is gravely ill or has passed away. It might take the form of an accident that changes our lives forever, or it could be the diagnosis of something nasty that no one wants to hear. I’m sure you can think of other examples – they’re all quite earth shattering, life changing and are all negative.

However, these events can also take another form and can be earth shattering but in a much more positive way – like a time we might have walked away unscathed from a potential accident or somehow dodged a situation that would normally or could very easily have been extremely serious or even fatal. These things give us pause do they not; they make us think and reflect.

We might wonder why we’re here, is there more purpose or meaning to life, or is it all just blind luck?

Despite all appearances, the world is not randomly out of control – it is part of a plan: God’s plan.

In John chapter 3 the Bible says: “For God so loved the world that He gave His only begotten Son, that whoever believes in Him should not perish but have everlasting life.” (John 3:16, NKJV)

If that sounds good and makes you curious, have a read of the bible – life might start to make a bit more sense – it could even be life changing!