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I have dictated this blog using my iPhone. The ability to do this is something that I take for granted, unless I stop and think about it. I am old enough to remember clearly a time where there were no iPhones. And further back no mobile phones. Many years ago when I was a boy my family went on a trip to an old gold mining town called Walhalla. I recall that we had at that time the 1960’s equivalent of a mobile phone - a walkie-talkie on loan. It was one of those devices where you say ‘over’ when you finish a sentence so the other person can speak because two people can’t speak through it at the same time!

The technological advances across so many things in my lifetime (I was born in the early 1950’s) has been truly staggering. Along with some of them has come complications, but they have generally made life much more connected and in many ways easier.

You would think then that this would mean that the world today has improved substantially from what it was in the 1950’s, the 60’s, the 70’s and so on. But sadly you don’t have to look very far to see that it simply has not - inequity, hunger, starvation, war, homelessness, the list could go on and on and on. They are a part of the lives of a huge number of us. Clearly technology has not improved the lives of a large part of humankind. Is this a trend? Are we to continue deteriorating? Left to our own devices it certainly looks like it to me.

But I believe there is hope. I believe that Jesus will return and set up a worldwide kingdom which he will rule in righteousness and equity for everyone that accepts him.

You can be a part of it. Read your Bible to find out how.