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When I was first married, a typical house cost roughly 3 times the average annual wage. Don’t get me wrong, to us this was a lot of money!  But in hindsight, those figures pale into insignificance when we consider the cost in a capital city area of Australia is now between 8-10 times. (Finder 2023)

Australia is considered to be a first world country, and yet many analysts believe that we are in a housing crisis. Here’s a quote from one article on the subject: “Housing is essential and, tragically, can be a matter of life or death. When housing is unaffordable, people end up homeless or go without food for themselves or their families. In what can only be characterised as a profound injustice, for many women and children, the inability to afford housing means staying in – or returning to – violent relationships.” (Professor Cameron Parsell, Dr Ella Kuskoff, Professor Tim Reddel 2023)

There are plenty of theories about how the situation could be improved – normally we just hear politicians from opposing parties throwing accusations at each other.

But nothing much changes.

Sounds very doom and gloom doesn’t it? But there is good news! God is going to step in and bring about much needed change to our world – including providing homes for everyone.

‘But in the last days Mount Zion will be the most renowned of all the mountains of the world, praised by all nations; people from all over the world will make pilgrimages there. “Come,” they will say to one another, “let us visit the mountain of the Lord, and see the Temple of the God of Israel; he will tell us what to do, and we will do it.” For in those days the whole world will be ruled by the Lord from Jerusalem! He will issue his laws and announce his decrees from there….. Everyone will live quietly in his own home in peace and prosperity, for there will be nothing to fear. The Lord himself has promised this.’ (Micah 4:1-2,4 TLB)

If this sounds appealing to you, the Bible explains how it will come about. Please take a look!


"Buying a hose in the 80's versus today" finder 2023,house%20prices%20were%20much%20lower (16 May 2023)

Parsell, C. Kuskoff, E. Reddel, T. [2023] "Australia's housing crisis. How did we get here and where to now" Contact Magazine.