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Change. Unremitting. Constant. Everywhere.

Change in just about everything seems to be a constant in our lives, and sometimes it feels like the only constant! I often ask - Who wants it? And I know I’m far from being the only one to ask that question. But nevertheless change keeps happening. In my case the most constant reminders are computer, tablet and phone ‘updates’.

Two main things seem to drive these changes to device software. First, the need to keep devices secure from hackers. And secondly, the changes to ‘improve’ applications I use frequently. From my point of view these changes are often infuriating. My muscle memory is often invalidated for no apparent reason. Of course the computer things I mention are constant examples but are hardly a big issue. There are many other issues that are big though, aren’t there! Things like war, poverty, and climate change to name a few, sure don’t seem to be changing for the better.

It’s therefore a great relief to anyone who believes in the God of the Bible, that He doesn’t change. Jesus doesn’t change either: “Jesus Christ is the same yesterday, today, and forever.” (Hebrews 13:8 NLT)). That’s one of the shortest and most direct verses in the Bible!

What God has promised through, and because of, Jesus, is the same today as it was yesterday. And it will be the same tomorrow, until it is fulfilled when Jesus returns and sets up God’s Kingdom on this earth.

There’ll be lots of change then, but it’ll all be for the better.

Got to be worth reading about in God’s Bible.