

Something becomes very noticeable about my religious beliefs when I travel. That something is that my beliefs are shared with all the other members of what we call the “Dawn fellowship”.

This means I can go anywhere in the world where there are members of this group, and immediately have shared beliefs. And that’s not all - quite often there are friends I can stay with.

This was highlighted for me recently when my wife and I visited the UK. We went to London first and stayed with some good friends there, and met others in our group or “fellowship”.

Then we went to a village near Oxford and had the same experience. Onwards to Nottingham where we had never been before and once again stayed with friends and again met others in our “fellowship”.

Then on to a village near Norwich - the same experience. Shared beliefs and values - but not to the degree of submerging our individuality. As individuals we are quite different from each other; some old, some young and some in between.

Some are quite conservative in outlook and appearance. Others not so much. Our opinions on many things in life differ, but not on the core beliefs that join us together. Until you travel and experience it in practice, it’s a real benefit that’s all too easy to take for granted. I think It’s a small taste of what the world will be like when Jesus returns.

Everyone will share the same beliefs and values.

I hope that He comes back soon! 

David GComment