The sacrifice of Christ

Have you ever been wronged, or accused of doing something you didn’t do? Imagine if you were trying to save someone’s life, and they turned around and ended yours.

That’s exactly what happened to Jesus.

He had the power to walk on water, raise the dead, heal the sick, turn water into wine and feed thousands of people. And still, when his enemies caught him and falsely accused him, no one was there to save him. He didn’t even try to save himself, because he knew that it was part of God’s plan.

You see, in the example of Christ’s life, we are supposed to be reminded that we should put away our selfishness and show love, even if love is not being shown to us.

That’s not an easy task.

But Christ and many of His disciples knew that what really matters in our lives is how we behave, and show the love that God requires of us.

“May you always be filled with the fruit of your salvation—the righteous character produced in your life by Jesus Christ—for this will bring much glory and praise to God.”

(Philippians 1:11, NLT)

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