
We don’t live in a very patient society, do we? In fact, I would suggest it’s almost the opposite, where instant gratification is highly desired. I think we’ve all seen the advertising “buy now, pay later” – no need to wait, but what’s left unsaid is the possibility of financial difficulty down the track.

In our news recently we were told that incidents of violence against health workers have almost doubled in the last few years. There are a number of factors at play here, but certainly one of them is not wanting to wait for attention.

One last example. I was driving home recently on a two-lane highway. There were two cars travelling side by side doing the same speed. Another car behind them wanted to get past and kept switching from lane to lane to try and push one vehicle ahead.  Finally in his frustration, the driver pulled out onto the verge and overtook both cars while spraying gravel everywhere and almost losing control in the process. The two cars were certainly at fault for not moving over, but the final solution was stupid and dangerous.

“Patience is a virtue.” This phrase is believed to have originated from the poem “Piers Plowman,” written in 1360 by English poet William Langland. However, much earlier than that, the Apostle Paul wrote in the Bible:

“Be completely humble and gentle; be patient, bearing with one another in love.” (Ephesians 4:2, NIV)

This is yet another example of advice from the Bible, which if followed, would make our world a better place.

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