Finding the Lord

I follow a reading plan that gives me three sections of the Bible to read each day. This gets me through the Old Testament once and the New Testament twice each year. As I do these daily readings there are a number of passages that particularly resonate for me each time I come across them. My New Testament reading for today (October 14) happened to be John 6. Right near the end of the chapter there are two verses that speak to me especially every time I read them.

Jesus had just described a concept about him that many people found impossible to accept as it was outside their perception and expectations of him. Following this rejection, he turned to his closest disciples and asked them if they too were going to leave him as well. This is what the apostle Peter said on behalf of them all.

“… ‘Lord, to whom shall we go? You have the words of eternal life. We have come to believe and to know that you are the Holy One of God.’” (John 6:68-69, NIV)

Peter’s words are brought vividly up to date for me when I look around at a world which has almost totally rejected both God and His son Jesus. If I follow that trend, I have no hope beyond the tenuous prospects of this life. And it definitely does have an end. I don’t know when, but death is the only certainty in this life if I don’t have God.

As Peter said, “where else would I go?” There’s nowhere else that offers so much. And the information about it is only as far away as the nearest copy of God’s Bible. Why wouldn’t I read it! What about you?

David GComment