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Nothing to say

“Blessed are they who have nothing to say, and who cannot be persuaded to say it!” (James Russell Lowell, 1871)

These words struck an immediate chord with me. I got a laugh from them but also an insight into how I often feel after hearing the words, the many, many words, of various ‘talking heads’ from all walks of life on a wide range of subjects.

Wherever we turn in our lives, especially on the various media we use, we are assailed with words. Many, many words. And yet so often, much, much fewer words would do. Sometimes, no words at all. Isn’t this especially the case when those words are untrue, judgmental, hurtful or worse.

Makes me think of the closing words of a verse in God’s Bible.

“… God is in heaven and you are on earth, so let your words be few.” (Ecclesiastics 5:2 NIV)

The context of the verse is specifically about words before God. But God in His heaven sees us and our words and actions here on earth, so the words remain at the very least, good advice. How much better a world it would be if we all did that.

God knows that in the world’s current state, that won’t happen. That is why He is sending His son to set up a worldwide Kingdom where it will happen. And a great deal more.

You can read all about God’s plans in His Bible.


Lowell, J.R. (1871, November 11). Banquet for Grand Duke Alexis, Bostn, United States.