
In the Bible there’s a set of verses that talk about the state of the world just before Jesus, God’s son, returns to the earth. Here’s just one:

“People will be so afraid they will faint, wondering what is happening to the world, because the powers of the heavens will be shaken.” Luke 21:26 (NCV)

Having lived in a relatively ‘safe’ country all my life, I’ve often wondered what circumstances could lead to such wide-spread fear.

Recently where I live, there was a warning about an approaching cyclone. We had plenty of notice and were advised of the threat of flooding and power outages. I made the mistake of going to the shops for something relatively minor the day before the cyclone was due to hit.

The line-up of cars both in and out of the shopping centre was extraordinary! There was a lot of anger and impatience too, with horns regularly going off. In the shops I noticed people rushing about looking very grim – no time to stop for small talk! It hit me that I was witnessing fear on quite a large scale.

In context, the verse above is about world-wide events, not just something local. Things like large scale war and disease – and in particular, a shakeup in world politics. Given the new US President and recent events, many are wondering if long-held alliances are valid any longer – potentially leaving weaker countries vulnerable to usurpation.

The good news is, we don’t have to be afraid. God has promised that Jesus will return to earth and save us from ourselves. The very next verse after the one above says:

“Then people will see the Son of Man coming in a cloud with power and great glory.” Luke 21:27 (NCV)

All the changes that Jesus will bring can be found in your Bible – it’s worth checking out!

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